And I continue to be impressed by the number of students who willingly and excitedly donate their lunch and recess time to help create these. I can barely keep up with these puzzlers!
And now, our Pace Value Puzzles
Alivia Appleby, Grade 3
apple sandwich carrot
Jacob Ebert, Grade 3
4 7 2
lion eagle octopus

John McNabola, Grade 5
2 4 3
truck car tricycle
Bethany Qian, Grade 6
5 3 7
ocean waterfall river
Michael Cortes, Grade 3
4 2 1
shirts shorts socks
Matthew McLeod, Grade 3
4 1 5
Seattle Space Seattle
Sounders Needle Seahawks
Cameron DelVecchio, Grade 3
1 3 4
Argentina Yankees Islanders
Mikey Kwolek, Grade 3
3 4 9
Harry Percy Diary of a
Potter Jackson Whimpy Kid
Alivia Appleby, Grade 3
apple sandwich carrot
Jacob Ebert, Grade 3
4 7 2
lion eagle octopus
John McNabola, Grade 5
2 4 3
truck car tricycle
Bethany Qian, Grade 6
5 3 7
ocean waterfall river
Michael Cortes, Grade 3
4 2 1
shirts shorts socks
Matthew McLeod, Grade 3
4 1 5
Seattle Space Seattle
Sounders Needle Seahawks
Cameron DelVecchio, Grade 3
1 3 4
Argentina Yankees Islanders
Mikey Kwolek, Grade 3
3 4 9
Harry Percy Diary of a
Potter Jackson Whimpy Kid