Friday, January 9, 2015

Can You Kakooma?

Kakooma (yes, another result of Greg Tang's genius) is a "hallway hit" among the students and staff at The Peck Place School.  It is fast paced fun for everyone!

What is Kakooma?
Taken directly from:
"Kakooma starts with a deceptively simple idea: in a group of numbers, find the number that is the sum of two others. Sounds easy right? Sometimes it is, but other times the answer is right in front of you and you just can’t see it.

This example is a 5-number puzzle. All you have to do is find the number that is the sum of two others. Since 15 = 13 + 2, the answer is 15. It’s the only number on the board that is the sum of two others. You’re getting the hang of it already!

The size of the puzzle and the size of the puzzle’s numbers determine its difficulty. 5-number puzzles with 1 group of numbers are the easiest. 9-number puzzles with 1 group are a little bit harder, and the 9-number puzzles with 9-groups are the hardest.
If we look at the puzzles above, we can figure out the answers by seeing which number is the sum of two others. For the puzzle on the left, the answer is 18 since 18 = 3 + 15. 

Now, think of the puzzle on the bottom as 9 separate puzzles. Starting from the top left puzzle we see the answer is 16 since 16 = 14 + 2. The top center is 20 since 20 = 15 + 5. Use the same method to figure out the rest of the puzzles!" (From:

It is obvious why we are all having so much fun with this game. And now, it's not just a "hallway hit" - we can play kakooma LIVE, online!

We had some technical difficulties, but thanks to a dedicated technology department, kakooma is up and running at Peck Place. All students in grades 2-6 now have "kakooma accounts" and can log in at school and at home to play. 

We hope to be the FIRST school to complete Greg's "Brilliant in a Million" Challenge. The first school to complete a total of 1,000,000 puzzles wins a free visit from Greg Tang. (We'd love to win this challenge since we just love Mr. Tang AND there are some students here who do not believe that he is a real person; since he is so clever.)

Can you KAKOOMA?
                               We sure can!!!!
                                                     PLAY KAKOOMA!