Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tangy Tuesdays Continue

Our Fourth Graders enjoyed the First Tangy Tuesday of the 2016-2017 school year. 

Here are a few photos highlighting their activities:

We enjoyed some of our favorites:

Web Bonds


But we also got to try a few new activities as well:


Math Limbo


A fantastic hour indeed! We certainly look forward to more Tangy Tuesdays. Mr. Tang's activities give us an engaging and thoughtful way to practice so we can  improve our automaticity and fluency!

Zero Means So Much

And we're off! What a fantastic start to our school year. 

This year The Peck Place Math Quarters wants to highlight literature in the math classroom. So we decided to start with Zero!

What's a great way to highlight literature and the importance of zero?
 A song. 

Thanks to They Might Be Giants we have "Zeroes" for your listening pleasure.
Zeroes (click here to see their music video)

And stop by the Math Quarters (Room 202) to see just how important zero is!